How it all began. Yoga with Gaileee

Yoga with Gaileee. How it all began.

My experiences with Yoga!
Yoga with Gaileee in Victoria Tx

Places where I teach Yoga….. back in 2002…..
[ Citizen’s HealthPlex Group Exercise Schedule | GymX Group Exercise Schedule | Detar Health and Fitness Center Aerobic Schedule ]

Yoga Training – YogaFit ™ Level I, Level II, YogaFit™ for Kids, YogaButt™, YogaAbs/YogaBack, YogaFit™ for Seniors. 
Also Katherine Robert’s Yoga for Golfers™ , also I’m up to date on my My Red Cross Adult CPR, First Aid and AED training.. 

My interest in Yoga began back when I was taking fitness courses along with the computer courses at Victoria College. I had taken the Weight Training, Walking, Karate and Physical Fitness classes. The college wasn’t offering any Yoga classes and through a survey, myself and others requested that Yoga be a fitness class offered at VC (there wasn’t a facility in town that offered any Yoga classes that fit my schedule). The first time that Yoga was offered through the college I took it. As with any other fitness class at the college several things happened.

In order for one to see if they are indeed making strides towards their fitness goals, you need to make assessments and measurements. At the beginning of the semester we measured weight, height, circumference measurements along the calves, thighs, hips, waist, chest and upper arms. A crunch test, along with a push-up assessment was done. Two fat body measurements were done-one with the pincher calipers and the other with an electronic fat body calculator. A Cardio endurance one mile walk (the Rockwell test) was also performed. Lastly a sit/stretch measurement was conducted. The assessments was a good portion of our grade. At the end of the semester all of these assessments were done to “measure” our fitness level, due to taking the Yoga class.

Not only was I feeling better and well rested, from my initial assessment, I confess that I could only do ONE push-up. Through the learning of the different Yoga poses, practicing, etc., at the end of the course not only did I reduce my body fat percentage, lose inches (and increased inches in my arms/calves), but I increased my number of push-ups to 19 (with my age was finally conducted at “average” fitness) and also increased my flexibility in my sit/stretch measurement. Also I decreased my resting heart rate.

One of the activities that we had to do was to present a Yoga class to the students. We paired up with 2-3 other individuals and selected the Yoga Mountain phase that we were to present to the class. After my 10 minute portion of the presentation the instructor had asked if she could use my Yoga sequences in her classes. (Sure!) She also recommended that I become certified and that I might like to teach YogaFit styled classes. (Perfect, so that I can schedule Yoga classes to fit my schedule!) So that is what I did. I’m currently trained in Level I and Level II, Seniors (Chair Yoga), YogaFit™ for Kids, YogaButt ™, YogaAbs/YogaBack by – YogaFit™ , and I just finished a workshop training in Yoga for Golfers™ by Katherine Roberts (see Yoga For Golfers™ web site!!) .

Currently I’m teaching Yoga classes at GymX, Citizen’s HealthPlex and Detar Health and Fitness Center, all from Victoria Texas.

On another interesting note, during this entire time that I was taking the college class, getting certified, etc., I told my 75 year old mom how I so enjoyed the Yoga. She started taking the Yoga classes offered at her local YMCA. Immediately her balance was better for her, her flexibility and range of motion in her arms increased, and whenever she took her class her blood pressure lowered (she takes medicine for her blood pressure). Balance and flexibility were some of her concerns and to get a bit lowering on her blood pressure was just a bonus. Now mom is a pretty active person. She swims laps twice a week at the YMCA and also tries to walk at least 45 minutes 3 times a week. Not only that but she bowls a mean 160 average! Now isn’t it interesting that she noticed changes in her body when she added Yoga to the mix.

Additionally for me, I’ve had bunion surgery on my right foot and had a fourth degree sprain on my left foot, so I have some “foot” issues that I’m always concerned about. With the various balancing poses that you do in Yoga, I’ve become more confident on my “footing” and balance. I never thought I’d be able to do the “Tree and Eagle” poses, much less the “Dancer” pose (I can do them now!). Its been a work in progress, but I’m very pleased with the results!

Collected here are some comments from students who have taken my classes:

  • “feeling very relaxed after a session”
  • “my pain in my back has eased up considerably”
  • “I sleep better at night”
  • “I feel energized”
  • “I need your class to help my legs and my back feel better”
  • “When I don’t come to class, my stress levels become very high”
  • “I’m ready for a nap, I’m so relaxed”
  • “I’m not having any spasms in my left leg”
  • “I can manage my stress better”

I’m almost tempted by the type of comments that I get from my students to call my class “Yoga for Backs”.

So take a Yoga class….you never know what benefit it may have in store for you!

Active Yoga / Beginning Yoga / Chair Yoga/ Yoga for the Sports Enthusiast – Class Descriptions

Active Yoga – A fitness yoga class uses traditional Hatha yoga poses, in the context of a fitness workout, to make you relax and sweat at the same time. The goal of fitness yoga is the increased strength and stamina you expect from a vigorous workout and the inner peace and tranquility that yoga is famous for. One hour format.

Beginning Yoga – This class introduces students to fundamental yoga postures, including stretching, strengthening, balance and alignment in the postures. Emphasis is on the standing, seated, and relaxation poses. Additionally, this class, uses a sequence of yoga postures to strengthening your core muscles, which will, in time, help lessen back pain and strengthen your abdominal muscles. Less strenuous than the Active Yoga, the goal is the same increased strength and stamina and in a 45 minute or 1 hour format.

Chair Yoga – This class was designed for those that have trouble getting up and down from the floor. Seated / Standing Chair Yoga poses are modified to the chair and work all parts of the body to improve strength and mobility. The class focuses on mild stretching and breathing exercises designed to promote physical fitness. Forty-five to Fifty-five minute class.

Yoga for the Sports enthusiast

  • improves flexibility, strength, balance, posture & breathing. (Soccer, Track, Power Lifting)
  • helps to relieve back problems caused by twisting the spine. (Volleyball, Basketball, Dancing, Wrestling or Football)
  • enhances body rotation so a proper swing can be fully executed. (Golf, Tennis, Racquetball & Baseball)

Current teaching schedule:

9:35 – 10:30
Detar HealthCenter
Beginning Yoga
8:45am – 9:35am 
GymX – Active Yoga / Beginning Yoga *
9:35 – 10:30
Detar HealthCenter
Beginning Yoga
8:45am – 9:35am 
GymX – Active Yoga / Beginning Yoga *
 10:30am – 11:15am 
Citizen’s HealthPlex – Beginning Yoga
 10:30am – 11:15am 
Citizen’s HealthPlex – Beginning Yoga
   2:00 p.m.
Chair Yoga
Detar HealthCenter
Classes I taught after getting newly certified.

* Beginning Yoga is taught, unless the mix of people are of the intermediate level.

[ Citizen’s HealthPlex Group Exercise Schedule | GymX Group Exercise Schedule | Detar Health and Fitness Center Aerobic Schedule ]

Gaileee in South Texas
Yoga with Gaileee in Victoria Tx