Over 20 years teaching experience with Gail Pickens-Barger. E-RYT-500. Online * In-Person Gentle Yoga for Low Back Care, Chair Yoga, Group Classes, Veterans, Kids and more!

Beginners Yoga Schedule for Gail Pickens-Barger, Beaumont, Nederland, Port Neches & Online in Texas

Teaching Schedule for 2024

Gail’s Yoga Teaching Schedule for 2024

In-Person Yoga/Chair Tai Chi Classes

45-60 Minute Yoga Classes for Beginners and Those with Back Challenges

Yoga classes spanning 45 to 60 minutes are particularly beneficial for beginners as well as individuals dealing with back challenges and chronic pain. The duration provides ample time for gentle warm-up exercises, foundational yoga poses, and a rejuvenating relaxation period. This allows participants to gradually build strength, flexibility, and mindfulness while also catering to the specific needs of those with back issues and chronic pain.

Testimonial for Yoga for Low Back Pain Class

One of the Veterans participating in the Veteran’s Yoga Project shared the following feedback about the class:

“I am grateful for the opportunity to attend the Yoga for Low Back Pain class led by Gail Pickens-Barger. The sessions have been instrumental in alleviating my discomfort and improving my overall well-being. I highly recommend this class to fellow Veterans struggling with similar issues.”

This testimonial highlights the positive impact of the class on the participant’s physical and mental health, showcasing the value of the Yoga for Low Back Pain program.

Maria, shares her testimony on the gentle yoga for low back care class.
The Gentle Yoga for Low Back Care class that I teach for the Veterans Yoga Project, helps to lower the pain levels of back pain.
Joseph P shares about his pain levels in taking back care yoga class with me online on VYP.
Michelle W shares about the Chair Yoga class that I taught online for Veterans Yoga Project during Gratitude Week 2023.
Read my student testimonies from the classes that I teach online and in-person.  Thank you.  Yoga with Gaileee

In-person classes at Lakeside Event Center in Beaumont Texas. Fridays at 10:30 AM

Gail talking.
“Hey Don, welcome back! Hope this helped you! Let me know!”
Don – Veteran
“Yes it always helps! I’m similar to you: chronic back pain for 20-30 years, and since I started doing yoga in Tucson and more recently on-line, my back is much better. Not completely gone, but a heck of a lot better!”

Doesn’t get much better than that!

Beginners Yoga Classes in Beaumont and Nederland, Texas with Gail Pickens-Barger
Now online through VYP-Classes Online weekly at 1:00 PM CST on Wednesdays.

Yoga Nidra Meditation for Sleep, Pain Relief, and Stress Reduction

Yoga Nidra is a powerful meditation practice that can help ease you into sleep, alleviate chronic pain, and reduce stress. By guiding your mind and body into a state of deep relaxation, Yoga Nidra can promote healing and rejuvenation. Whether you are seeking relief from physical discomfort or looking to unwind from the day’s stress, this ancient meditation technique can support your well-being.

Yoga Nidra for better sleep.
Yoga Nidra for better sleep.

Sample of Yoga for Back Relief Classes that I teach

What gear do I need for Gentle Yoga for Low Back Care Classes?
Yoga with Gail
Just some ideas of the gear one can buy, or find items in your home to use for Gentle Yoga for Low Back Care Class!

What people are saying about the online yoga classes with Gail!

Online and In-Person yoga Classes with Gail.  Nederland Mid-County and Beaumont Texas
Online Classes with Gail Pickens-Barger.  Now Online in the Zoom Yoga Room with Gail

Why do Gentle Yoga for a Healthy Back Class.

One Last Thing… Be sure to wear either layer for your top or a form-fitting top.  We do a pose in our Beginners Yoga class called, Downward Facing Dog.  You basically look like an “Upside Down” Letter, “V”, and sometimes shirts will ride up your backside!  Whoops!  Here’s my young daughter demonstrating!


PRIVATE YOGA LESSONS – One-on-One Lessons. 

These are to be held online.   In either Mid-County or Beaumont Texas. Please call 409-727-3177 for additional inquiries.

Yoga can help you:

  • Ease your back pain
  • Help to lose weight
  • Lessen one’s stress
  • Increase flexibility
  • Gain strength
  • Ease pregnancy challenges
  • Build bone mass
  • Better your balance

Questions? Comments? Complaints? Complements?

Contact Gail

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Yoga with Gail Pickens-Barger

YOGA WITH GAIL | Ease Chronic Pain + Increase Mobility Yogawithgaileee.com ChairYogaFitness.com Seated Tai Chi phone: (409)-727-3177 | email: yogawithgaileee@gmail.com | www.yogawithgaileee.com