StarFruit ZaZen Zafu ZaButton Meditation Cushion

Zafu Star Pillows - Yoga with Gail Pickens-Barger
Zafu Star Pillows – Yoga with Gail Pickens-Barger

StarFruit ZaZen Zafu ZaButton Meditation Cushion! Cool.

Look what my mom made me after I took a photo of one at Lex Gillan’s Advance Yoga training in 2013. Cool!


Salute to the Sun. Sun Salutations in Nederland Beaumont Texas. Yoga for Beginners

Salute to the Sun. Sun Salutations in Nederland Beaumont Texas. Yoga for Beginners

The sequence of poses for the salute to the sun with additionally demonstrating Warrior I, Reverse Warrior and Side Angle Pose.  All done at the Beginner Level to help you toward your wellness goals.  Even on the chair, there are Advance, Intermediate and Beginning versions of poses.

Call Gail Pickens-Barger, Yoga Teacher.

If you don’t like my classes, or the fit isn’t just right, I will find you a class or teacher to help you on your path to your wellness goals.  409-727-3177.  Please leave a voice message, if I am unable to immediately get to your telephone call.  Thank you!