Additional beginners yoga classes for back challenges with Gail P-B.

For those of you taking my online beginning yoga classes, I’ve include a few fan favorites here for you to enjoy. Additionally, a Yoga Nidra Meditation & Chair Tai Chi with Gail PB.

Hello, I’m providing some links to previously recorded classes, in case you need to take another class with me, prior to us coming together next Wednesday. I teach regularly on Wellness Living Online Studio classes for Veterans Yoga Project. Enjoy!


I’m also including a seated chair tai chi video:

and lastly a 43 minute Yoga Nidra practice, which in my opinion is part II in reducing chronic daily pain.

Teaching Online Yoga Wednesdays at 1:00 PM Central Time.

Now teaching online at: 12 AM PT, 1 PM CST, 2 ET

Gentle Yoga with Gail Pickens-Barger. Yoga to help ease back pain, lessen stress, increase flexibility, build bones, better balance, and have higher quality sleep. Next class sign up.
Gentle Yoga with Gail Pickens-Barger. Yoga to help ease back pain, lessen stress, increase flexibility, build bones, better balance, and have higher quality sleep. Next class sign up.
Tuesday Yoga for Easing Back Pain with Gentle Beginners Yoga with Gail, in-person classes starting 3rd week of March 2022.
Tuesday Yoga for Easing Back Pain with Gentle Beginners Yoga with Gail

Interesting Study: New Study Adds Growing Evidence that Yoga and Meditation Can Reduce Chronic Pain. I can attest to that study, as it has helped me with my chronic back pain!

The study echoes previous findings on the benefits of yoga and meditation for chronic pain published in 2016 in the prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association.

“The bottom line is that patients are seeking new ways to cope with chronic pain and effective non-pharmaceutical treatments are available,” says Dr. Marske. “Our findings show meditation and yoga can be a viable option for people seeking relief from chronic pain.”

This just in. Yoga Eases Moderate to Severe Chronic Low Back Pain - Yoga with Gail
This just in. Yoga Eases Moderate to Severe Chronic Low Back Pain – Yoga with Gail
Check out one of my more popular class formats. Can be done seated on the chair, or on the yoga mat or on your couch or bed. Beginners simple movements.

Back Challenges – Easy Yoga for Back Relief

Overview of Back Care Yoga Class

Easy to do yoga movements, today’s class featuring postures for easing sciatica & kyphosis. Class will also promote healthy backs!
  • Gail teaches gentle yoga for back care, focusing on low back, upper back, mid-back and core.
  • Specific yoga postures are designed to ease back challenges and chronic daily pain.
  • Equipment needed: yoga strap and yoga block, although not mandatory for participation.
  • Recording of the class is provided for those who want to try with the gear later.
  • Class ends with guided rest, relaxation, and gratitude practice.

Adaptations for Different Needs

  • Participants can choose to stand, sit on a chair, or modify postures based on individual needs.
  • Constructive rest posture is recommended for reducing back challenges.
  • Seated Participants can also benefit from certain postures, with some adaptations required.
  • Various modifications are suggested to accommodate different levels of flexibility and comfort.
  • Participants are encouraged to listen to their bodies and adjust postures accordingly.

Yoga Postures for Back Care

Yoga postures for back care are specific poses designed to strengthen and stretch the muscles in the back, helping to improve posture, reduce pain, and increase flexibility. These poses target different areas of the back to promote overall spinal health and alleviate discomfort.

Constructive Rest Yoga Posture for Easing Back Pain.
Knee to  Chest Sequence for Easing Back Pain.  Yoga with Gail
Easing Back Pain with Overhead Extension Yoga Pose Sequence with Gail PB
Flowy Cat Cow Sequence Yoga Posture for easing back pain with teacher, Gail PB
Warrior Pose Variations for strength and lengthening of the lower body muscles.  Yoga with Gail PB
Unsupported Spinal Twists and Bird Dog Spinal Balance Variations for easing back pain.  Yoga Teacher Gail PB

Yoga for Back Pain Relief

Yoga for Back Pain Relief, Chronic or Recurring Back Pain
(shhhh, it’s yoga!)

Relief for Chronic or Recurring Back Pain (shhhh, it’s yoga!)

Instant Stress Eraser The economy is in the dumps. Gas prices continue to shoot upwards.

It’s winter. It used to be vacation time. If only you can take a vacation from stress.

Now you can. Right now while you read this post.

Sit up straight and take a deeper breathe than you normally do. Hold it for a second or two, and let the air out with a sigh. Go ahead. No one will notice.

Now, do it again. Take a deeper breathe than before. Hold it for a moment or two and just… let … it … go.

Most people tend to breathe very shallow in their chest. Shallow breathing promotes stress and tension. Deep breathing melts it away.

In a few minutes of deep breathing, you can actually eliminate all stress and tension, lower your blood pressure, and instantly gain a lot more positive attitude.

My name is Gail Pickens-Barger and I teach yoga Online/In-Person and Classes on YouTube. Forget what you’ve heard about yoga. You do not have to twist yourself into a pretzel to do yoga. It’s for everyone. Whether you are in shape or not.

And the benefits are immediate.

It’s winter so this is the best time to get started eliminating your stress with yoga.

Check out my latest beginner yoga video on YouTube:

Get back pain relief through gentle yoga with Gail P-b.

117 Health Conditions Helped by Yoga

117 Health Conditions Helped by Yoga

Permission granted by Dr. Timothy McCall to share this pdf.

117 Conditions Helped by Yoga. Permission granted to copy and share this information. Yoga as medicine. As found in scientific studies as of June 2019. Yoga with Gail
117 Conditions Helped by Yoga. Permission granted to copy and share this information. Yoga as medicine. As found in scientific studies as of June 2019. Yoga with Gail

Here is the link to this PDF and the scientific studies supporting the health conditions helped by yoga.

117 Health Conditions Helped by Yoga
117 Health Conditions Helped by Yoga.

I teach weekly gentle yoga for low back care classes for the Veterans Yoga Project. Book my class on Wednesdays to get some sweet relief of easing back pain. to get a free account and book a class.